General Safety Guidelines

Rivers Casino is dedicated to offering you a safe and fun place to play.
Health and Safety Measures
We've instituted a rigorous cleaning schedule and have dedicated more staff to keeping Rivers spotless and safe.
Keeping your hands and surfaces clean is important to us. Look for a hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipe dispenser across the casino floor. Rivers Casino has partnered with AirPHX to install a state-of-the-art air filtration system to continuously disinfect the air you breathe and surfaces you touch. AirPHX systems kill over 95% of bacteria and viruses giving you an even safer place to play.
Additional Info
Valet has returned to Rivers Casino! Valet is complimentary for all Black and Platinum Card guests. Gold Card Guests is $5 or 500 points. There is a $10 fee for Non-Rush Rewards Members.
Please see Security for wheelchair use.